Golden Exotic Limited supports flood victims within its catchment area despite being hit by the disaster


Despite losing 45 heaters of its banana plantation to the flood caused by the twin spillage of the Akosombo and Kpong dams, Golden Exotic Limited finds it necessary to support the displaced victims within its catchment area.

The damage caused by the Akosombo and Kpong dam spillage is far-reaching.

Apart from displacing people from their homes, hundreds of individuals and corporate bodies have lost their livelihoods.

One of the corporate bodies that was heavily affected is the Golden Exotic Limited, a multi-million-dollar banana farm operating in the Shai-osudoku and north Tongu districts of the greater Accra and volta regions.

More than half of its matured banana plantation at its site at Torgome popularly referred to as left bank, was heavily inundated by floodwaters.

Instead of harvesting after over one and half years of land preparation, planting and other forms of labour on the fields to see the plantation through, the disaster struck; the ill-prepared spillage of both the Akosombo and Kpong dams, devastating lives and livelihoods in the lower volta basin.

Not even the extra investment in the hurriedly constructed dyke to serve as a breaker between the plantation and river Alabo, and also to facilitate the pumping of water from the fields could help matters.

Having been submerged for more than 72 hours, the entire 120 acres or 45 hectares of the plantation valued at over 50,000 euros have all gone bad.

Nonetheless, the management of the Golden Exotic Limited finds space within the hardship and losses induced by the disaster to support other victims of the flooding.

And their benevolence targeted areas affected the Shai-osudoku and north tongu districts with assorted food, mattresses, blankets, and mosquito nets among others valued at over 800,000 cedis.

In all nearly 1,500 displaced people in the two districts were reached with support from the company.

A greater proportion of these displaced people still occupy school premises at Fodzoku, Alabonu and Volivo, where they battle snakes and mosquitoes at night.

The situation compelled some of the victims to seek shelter elsewhere with friends and relatives.

The company also presented assorted medicals to the Osudoku health centre at Asutuare towards the free treatment of water-borne disease and other ailments brought along by the floods.

For the Corporate affairs and administrative manager of Golden Exotic Limited, Mark Achel, the bulk of their workforce come from the affected area and must be in good health before they can offer their service to the plantation hence the need to support them.