See titles and positions as a duty call for service to God and humanity – Chancellor of Regent University tells graduands

A section of the graduands

The Founder and chancellor of Regent University College of Science and Technology, Rev Professor Kingsley Larbi has congratulated fresh graduates from the university for their hard work, determination, and sacrifice. 

He urged the graduands to see their accomplishment as a good foundation for a never-ending journey of purpose.

in his address during the 17th graduation ceremony held on December 9, 2023, he said that some celebrate certificates, titles and positions but those who make the maximum impact in life, are those who see certificates as a means to a greater end, and see titles and positions, as a duty call for service to God and humanity.

“Each of us possesses genetic combinations that make us distinct and unique from all others.  We have been programmed and packaged by the good Lord, with a life of greatness.  Embedded in each and every one of us, is an indestructible seed of greatness, waiting to germinate.  The world is therefore waiting for you to manifest the purpose for which you were born.  You were born to win! You can therefore not fail, unless you choose to.  I therefore charge you to be among those who see certificates as the means to a greater end, and positions and titles as a call to service.  There are still more territories to conquer and hurdles of life to traverse in order for you to become the champion that you have been created to be.  Press on therefore, for your best days are still ahead of you.  Your best is yet to come! God is on your side.  And with God, nothing shall be impossible to you,: he told the graduands.

He further said that Regent University has a very glorious past so the graduands cannot lower the standards.

“When Dr. Steven W. Squyres, Professor of Astrology, and the Principal Investigator for the science payload on the Mars Exploration Rover, on 21st February 2008, gave an up-to-date summary of the mission of Spirit and Opportunity, from its initial conception through its development, launching, and operations on the surface of Mars, including images that were as recent as four hours before his presentation, at our erstwhile ROQUAH Campus of Regent, Regent became the first institution in Africa to host this very important scientific event.  It will suffice here for me to also mention that, among other things, Regent is also credited for being the first institution in Ghana to offer the first ever postgraduate studies in technical computer science in Ghana.  Because of the constraints of time, I am mentioning only these two items.  As an institution, with God on our side, we are confident that our best days are still ahead of us.

“You have a charge to keep!   Carl Max once said, “Philosophers have variously defined the world, but what is important is to change it.”  As an alumnus of Regent, you have a world to conquer.  The Bible says where there is no vision or sense of direction, “people cast off restraint” or people lose the sense of direction and purpose.  Be the eye of those who have lost the sense of purpose; be the mouth of those who cannot speak for themselves.  Don’t seek for your   own comfort when majority of our people are languishing in poverty and obscurity.   Be the “little saviours” you have been created and endowed to be.  Just as there are many challenges in our world today, especially our part of the world, there are also many opportunities by which we can overcome every challenge.  Ordinary people see challenges and complain; but visionaries see opportunities in every challenge.

“Leadership in our part of the world is pathologically self-seeking and self-serving.  You must be different.   Be like the Nehemiah of the Bible; demonstrate exceptional and selfless leadership wherever you find yourself.  There are no shortcuts to success.  Those who seek to succeed through shortcuts, will have their dreams and aspirations eventually cut short.

“Take as your defense, moral, ethical, and spiritual fortitude.  Let hard work, perseverance, and courage be your battle cry.  Above all, let the fear of God, and service to God and humanity be your greatest aspiration.  These are the timeless truths for life and for true success.  Emulate and continue in these things, and, the good Lord will cause you to succeed in all you do.  By so doing, you will leave a legacy that will inspire others,” Prof Larbi said.

The majority of the students who take life seriously, excel wherever they find themselves, he further noted.

“You cannot afford to lower the standards.  You must demonstrate that you belong to a new breed of leadership.  Let the vision of a new Ghana and a new Africa be the perpetual flame fires your imagination, and keep your dreams alive.

“If you continue to walk in obedience to God and submit to His will in all you do, there is absolutely nothing that you cannot do.  There is no valley that can prevent your forward movement, and there will be no mountain that can permanently prevent your forward movement.  Life is war, but the Lord of hosts can be your fortress.  He has promised to go before us a consuming fire, to bring down the adversary, to enable you to fulfil your purpose (Deut. 9:1-3).  The challenges that you will face in your life’s journey, can become springboards for the manifestation of God’s mighty power on your behalf.  The good LORD has ordained challenges as part and parcel of human life.  But His grace will always be sufficient for us in all situations.  People of faith are people of hope.   The good Book says those who know their God shall to exploits.  May you go and do exploits.  He has promised, and He cannot fail.

“You must develop a discomfort for the status quo.  Cultivate hard-work, perseverance, courage and discipline; render good and selfless service to your community and your country, and to all those you come in contact with, who need your help.  Our mission here on earth will not be complete if we leave the various communities from which we have come from, the way we met them.  Therefore, commit yourself to what makes life worth living.  Life is short so be determined, through the grace of God, to leave a legacy.  What you do for yourself, will die with you when your life here on earth comes to an end.  It is what you do for God and humanity that will outlive your live here on earth.  The future belongs to those who dare to dream and work towards it.  So, go and dream; dream big, and work towards it.  If God is on your side, you cannot fail.”