Valentine’s Day: A celebration of love, not sex – Relationship specialist

Whether or not to celebrate Valentine's Day is a personal choice, and there is no right or wrong answer. Valentine's Day can be both a love story and a commercialized money-sucking scheme, depending on how it's approached and celebrated.
Valentine's Day (pc: Foreign Tongues)

Sandra Delali, a relationship strategist has emphasized that the essence of Valentine’s Day lies in expressing love and appreciation for one’s partner, rather than the misconceived notion of it being solely about sex.

According to her Valentine’s Day is for agape love.

“I think it’s kind of a phenomenon that when it came up sometime in the late 2000s, where people taught that okay, if its valentine’s day then I need to give my boyfriend or girlfriend sex. It’s absolutely nothing to do with that, it got nothing to do with it. It’s all about expressing love to the person you are with,” she said in an exclusive interview with Johnnie Hughes and Helen Appiah Ampofo on 3FM Sunrise Morning Show on Valentine’s Day, February14.

Delali stressed that Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to go the extra mile in showing love and appreciation to one’s partner. She emphasized the importance of both partners making efforts to celebrate each other, debunking the stereotype that it’s solely the responsibility of men to make romantic gestures.

“For me, personally, getting a bespoke hamper for a spouse or partner is absolutely divine. It’s about the little, extravagant, and thoughtful things within the hamper that truly express love and care,” Delali remarked.

Delali stressed the significance of dressing appropriately and creating an ambiance of love.

“Modesty is key in whatever you do. It’s essential to dress appropriately for the occasion and consider where you’re going and how you plan to spend the day,” she said.

Delali also provided insights for those navigating new relationships, suggesting that it’s crucial to understand each other’s expectations and gradually introduce Valentine’s Day traditions if they differ.

“When you start dating, you need to get to know the person you are dating, are they into it just like you are, if not then maybe you need to navigate to introduce it gradually into them,” Sandra advised.

In essence, Sandra Delali’s insights underscored the true spirit of Valentine’s Day: a day dedicated to expressing love, appreciation, and thoughtfulness towards one’s partner, devoid of any misconceptions about its association with sex.

By: Joselyn Kafui Nyadzi