Date Rush: NY gets into tight corner over choice of date


Date Rush airs on TV3 every Friday at 8:00 PM[/caption] Hardly does any guy on TV3’s date-matching reality show, Date Rush, get to the final part of the show with so many choices as was seen in the 8th episode. But Nana Yaw, simply known as NY broke what has almost a convention in the house where choices of the guys reduce as the show progresses. NY was able to get 8 of the 10 ladies interested in going out on a date with him and he succeeded in maintaining the number until he had to make a choice which one, he actually wants. That was a tough decision for him to make as he seemed interested in almost all of them. Judging from the reluctance with which he went about making his choices, one could tell he would have wished to go out with all eight ladies if given the chance. “It’s more difficult than my final exam”, he said, gasping for breathe as though he was carrying the universe on his shoulders after he eventually made a choice. Rodney on the 7th episode of the show was the only guy with such promising prospects of turning all 10 ladies on at the initial stages of the show until his friend came to open a can of worms. Read:10 girls rush for Rodney, but friend opens can of worms The show gets interesting each week as two bachelors get to pitch themselves for an all-expense paid date by Rush Energy drink. About 14 dates have been successfully fixed over the past 8 weeks and tonight at 8:00pm on TV3 two dates are likely to be fixed depending on how things pan out. Watch full show here: By P.D Wedam||Ghana ]]>