Shama: Armed robbers stab taxi driver, snatch car


The taxi was stolen after the robbers stabbed the driver[/caption] A 33-year-old Taxi driver had a close shave with death after four unidentified men suspected to be armed robbers allegedly attacked him at knife point and snatched his car from him in the late hours of Tuesday, May 22, 2018. The victim, Edward Koomson, together with his relatives made an SOS call to CONNECT FM few hours after the incident. According to him, the assailants hired him at Shama Junction at around 10pm to Beposo. On reaching the outskirt of Daboase Junction, the assailants attacked him with knife, pushed him out of the car and bolted with it. The terrified driver who sustained some injuries has since been taken to hospital for medical attention by his relatives after he rushed to tell them of the incident. The police have mounted search for the perpetrators and the car in question, Astra B,  Ash and Yellow with registration number AS 4431-13. By Nhyiraba Paa Kwesi Simpson |Connect 97.1 FM|]]>