Koala robbery saga: Case adjourned to Jan. 28

The case involving two robbers, who shot a lady worker of Koala with the intent of robbing her, has been adjourned to January 28, 2015.

They were charged with conspiracy to commit crime and committing crime.

The two are also said to be responding to treatment after they were smashed by a taxi driver who witnessed the shooting. They were escaping from the scene on a motor bike after shooting the lady in question.

The taxi driver who was from the opposite direction of the robbers, run his taxi into them on their motor bike, incapacitating them and destroying his vehicle in the event. The robbers were still shooting after they fell in a nearby gutter.

A supervisor at Koala who is said to be an accomplice was also arrested and joined to the case. He is believed to have tipped off the robbers and aided them in executing the action.

The taxi driver has since been given a brand new car by Koala for his show of bravery. Government has also given him a house to show appreciation to him for risky his life to safe another.

Source: 3news.com By Martin Asiedu-Dartey
