Covid-19: Stay-at-Home restriction triggers spike in neck, back and spine problems among Ghanaians


It’s been more than six months since Ghana recorded its first Covid-19 cases, which triggered a raft of adjustments to life and work.

But after several months of staying and working from home, health experts say it has come along with it increasing complaints of neck, back and spine problems.

In March this year, the country’s health and information ministers announced two imported cases of Covid-19, an outbreak which altered our lives and changed the face of work for many.

The Covid-19 pandemic literally flattened economies and left families struggling to cope.

For many in the corporate world, it offered an escape to use digital media and its associated platforms.

Chief Executive Officer of HUBTEL Ghana Alex Bram says, “we don’t have to always go to the office and work. Some of us can actually begin to think about new ways of doing the work.”

He believes “Covid-19 has taught us to maximize the use of digital devices and platforms that have been around for years”.

But along with it have come other health complications.

Massage therapist Ransford Afari is seeing at least five new clients a week, requiring back and neck massages.

“Those who visit our parlour usually with recommendation from the medics, present with neck and back pains.

“We work on them especially to identify nodes in the back and neck region and melt them during the process. It is all too common now because of bad sitting and working postures,” he says.

Myoskeletal therapist and exercise expert at Bheks Theracare Clinic Kafui Badigah has also seen a spike in back, neck and spine problems.

“We see cases of spondylosis, text neck, numbness and tingling sensations in the arms and many others now. It’s largely because the lockdown and restrictions meant that many people stayed at home long hours.”

Kafui Badigah is advising people to handle and use their digital devices appropriately to avoid neck and spine complications.

“What you should do is hold your phone to your eye level and keep a straight back and avoid slouching forward.

“And for you television freaks, here is one for you!

“Laying on the armrest of your sofa to watch television is causing too many back and spine problems. It is a bad habit that needs to be checked urgently,” the skeletal therapist tells

He says, “the best way is to put a pillow inside the sofa and lay in it otherwise thrust the pillow on the bare floor, lay on it with your straightened back and watch your television”.

By all means stay at home if there is absolutely no need to step out.

But while at home, sit right.

Protect your spine and save yourselves the headaches!

By Komla Adom|