Beauty under the knife: A closer look at Liposuction and BBL


Cosmetic surgery is becoming an increasingly popular trend in Ghana, with many people seeking procedures to enhance their physical appearance and boost their self-confidence. This trend is driven by a range of factors, including social media, celebrity culture, and low self-esteem. While some individuals undergo cosmetic surgery for medical reasons, such as correcting a deformity or restoring function after an accident, the majority of patients do so for purely aesthetic reasons.

The Most Popular Cosmetic Surgery Procedures in Ghana

There are a range of cosmetic surgery procedures available in Ghana, each designed to improve a different aspect of the body’s appearance. Two of the most popular procedures are liposuction and BBL, which are both aimed at sculpting the body into a more desirable shape.

Liposuction is a procedure that involves removing excess fat from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, or hips. This procedure is often performed on individuals who have struggled to lose weight through diet and exercise alone, or who have stubborn pockets of fat that won’t respond to traditional weight loss methods.

BBL, or Brazilian Butt Lift, is a procedure that involves using fat taken from other areas of the body to enhance the size and shape of the buttocks. This procedure is often popular among individuals who desire a fuller, rounder buttock shape, as it can provide a more natural-looking result compared to other butt augmentation methods.

The Experience of Singer Caress with Liposuction and BBL

One individual who has undergone both liposuction and BBL is singer Nana Frema. Nana Frema underwent these procedures with the goal of enhancing her physical appearance and boosting her self-confidence, much like many other individuals who seek out cosmetic surgery in Ghana.

In an interview with Nana Frema, she shared her experience of the procedures and how they have impacted her life. According to Nana Frema, the liposuction procedure was relatively painless and allowed her to achieve the body shape she desired. The BBL procedure, however, was more uncomfortable and required a longer recovery time. Despite this, Nana Frema is happy with the results of both procedures and feels more confident in her body as a result.


Cosmetic surgery is a growing trend in Ghana, with many individuals seeking procedures to improve their physical appearance and boost their self-confidence. Two of the most popular procedures are liposuction and BBL, which can help to sculpt the body into a more desirable shape. While there are risks and potential complications associated with these procedures, they can be a great option for individuals who are looking to enhance their physical appearance and boost their self-esteem.

Singer Nana Frema, is one example of someone who has successfully undergone these procedures and feels more confident as a result. As the trend of cosmetic surgery continues to grow in Ghana, it’s important for patients to carefully consider the risks and potential benefits before undergoing any procedures, and for the healthcare industry to ensure that these procedures are carried out safely and legally.

By Emmanuel Samani.