“Drying for Success: Sunify Solardry Technology Paves the Way in Ghana, Combating Post-Harvest Losses and Aflatoxin Contamination”


Sunify Solar Dry Technology, a pioneering agribusiness startup founded in April 2023 in northern Ghana, specializes in grain and seed drying using state-of-the-art mobile solar mechanical dryers. This organization was founded by a team of passionate youth, including Naa Ayeley Tagoe as Chief Executive Officer , Zakaria Salifu as Chief Marketing Officer,Vanessa Ivy Dodoo as Chief Financial Officer and Paul Malik Abavana as Chief Technical Officer to address the pressing challenges faced by local farmers in relation to drying.

One of the primary issues confronting farmers in the country is post-harvest losses due to improper drying techniques. Inadequate drying methods often result in mold infestation, which renders grains and seeds unfit for consumption or sale. This not only leads to significant economic losses for farmers but also contributes to food insecurity in the community. Moreover, the inability to properly dry produce diminishes its market value, further exacerbating the financial strain on farmers and perpetuating cycles of poverty.

Sunify Solar Dry Technology recognizes these challenges and aims to provide a sustainable solution. Their innovative approach involves the use of self-designed mobile solar mechanical dryers, which efficiently dry grains and seeds for an average duration of five hours. This not only reduces the risk of mold infestation and post-harvest losses but also enhances the quality and market value of the produce, thereby increasing farmers’ income and economic stability.

Furthermore, Sunify Solar Dry Technology’s emphasis on gender inclusivity and empowerment adds another dimension to its impact. Women, who often play a crucial role in agricultural activities, are disproportionately affected by post-harvest losses and income disparities. By providing equal access to training and employment opportunities, the company empowers women farmers to actively participate in the agricultural value chain, thereby contributing to their economic empowerment and social advancement.

Aligned with several UN Sustainable Development Goals, including poverty reduction, zero hunger, gender equality, and clean energy, Sunify Solar Dry Technology not only addresses the immediate challenges faced by farmers but also contributes to broader efforts towards sustainable development and poverty alleviation in the region.

At Sunify we say ,let’s mechanize the sun to curb post harvest losses .