NDC salutes Ghanaian workers

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) wishes to extend its warmest greetings to Ghanaian workers on the occasion of May Day.

The NDC congratulates Ghanaian workers and commend them for their sacrifices and commitment to the socio-economic development of the nation. Indeed, the toil, dedication and selflessness of the Ghanaian worker, even in the wake of surmounting socio-economic and political challenges hampering their efforts, has kept the wheel of productivity and development moving.

We believe that your tolerance, discipline and efforts in nation building have sustained the labour environment prevailing in the country. The NDC government’s recognition for the Trades Union and affiliate labour institutions is unflinching, an indication of the party’s endless bond of working relations with progressive forces towards building a better Ghana.

The NDC reiterates that, as allies, we uphold collaboration, fair wages and the respect for workers’ human rights and dignity. We shall therefore not relent on our resolve to stand for workers rights, unlike the ideological foes of the working class who at a time in the nation’s history tried to disband Trade Unionism in this country.

On this auspicious occasion, we urge all Ghanaians to reflect on our resolve to sacrifice and be committed towards increasing productivity and contribution to economic development.

The NDC salutes Ghanaian workers on this special day of workers day.

Long Live Unionized Labour

Long Live the Ghanaian Worker

Long Live Ghana.

Source: Johnson Asiedu Nketia, General Secrtary-NDC
