Dansoman: Body washed ashore near Pambros beach


A dead body, identified to be that of a man was on Wednesday found on the shores of the sea around Kele, near Pambros beach in Dansoman, Accra. According to residents, even though they saw the body on Wednesday, they did not do anything about it. They say they neither called the police nor conveyed the corpse to a morgue so it lay there overnight. As at Thursday  morning, April 5, the body was still lying on the shores of the sea even though some residents had seen it. The almost disfigured manly body had the skin almost peeled off and had started rotting causing foul smell to emanate from it. The beaches were filled to capacity during the Easter festivities and the residents suspect the deceased probably got drown during that period. When 3news.com placed a distress call to the Dansoman police to report the case the police said they had dispatched some officers to the scene. By: 3news.com|Ghana    ]]>