10 girls rush for Rodney, but friend opens can of worms


All girls initially expressed interest in going on a date with Rodney[/caption] But for his friend’s revelation, Rodney could have gone home with all 10 girls on the 7th episode of TV3’s date-matching reality show, Date Rush – if only the rules permitted. Rodney’s entry onto the stage was a breathtaking moment for all 10 girls, obviously mesmerized and swept off their feet, they all expressed interest in going on a date with him. But that could not be possible because the rules of the show allow Rodney to grab only one of the 10 ladies for an all-expense paid date, sponsored by Rush Energy drink. From the onset, Rodney did not have to do any much introduction.  It appeared his demeanor did all the talking, having danced to the admiration of all. “I’m Rodney from Tema”, that was all he said and all the 10 girls had their rushes turned on which is an expression of interest. After a mini-documentary about Rodney’s life and his aspirations was shown, the ladies were even more convinced Rodney is the kind of guy they have been looking for all these years. It’s worthy of note that it has never happened on the show so far that someone got to this stage still having all the ladies interested in him. Not even the gym guy. Read:‘Gym guy’ turns on 7 ladies spontaneously; picks one for a date  Rodney at this point may have been on cloud nine knowing he could have any of the girls for a date, only for his friend to open a can of worms. As part of the show, someone close to Rodney had to say something about him and it was his friend George. George said a lot about how nice Rodney is as a friend but added “Rodney can be very very annoying”. George also disclosed Rodney once display a bad temper which caused an embarrassing moment. The aftermath of George’s commentary was a gargantuan decline in the number of ladies who were interested in Rodney – from 10 ladies to 3 ladies. The girls did not seem to like the part his friend exposed. How was Rodney able to manage the situation? Did he eventually get a date or George spoil the whole matter? Watch Date Rush here: Date Rush airs on TV3 this and every Friday at 8:00 pm. By P.D Wedam|3new.com|Ghana ]]>