The best time to eat your meals


Did you know that when you eat is just as important as what you eat? That’s is why you need to know when to eat as well as have a meal clock that meets your work schedules and energy levels.

Ideally the times you need eat vary from person to person and it’s mainly based on work schedules and activity level but having a healthy meal clock will help you enjoy your meals with low health consequences.

Eating your meals at the right time each day helps you keep a healthy weight, and also keep your blood sugar, blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels under control. 

Breakfast, which is the first and most important meal of the day, is usually eaten for before 8am i.e. between 6am to 8am. Eating breakfast provides your body with adequate energy to kick start you day but skipping snack on high-fat and sugary foods at mid-morning hours which later contributes to weight gain.

Ideal breakfast meal should made with whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes which makes it nutrient dense and high fiber to keep you fuller for longer hours till the next meal and keep your blood sugar and pressure levels under control. Some local breakfast you can consider include corn/oats/ wheat porridge with bread, beans pudding (Gober), and waakye.

The next meal is lunch which is also eaten between the hours of 12pm to 1pm. This meal replenishes your energy stores to continue your day with more energy and to be productive. Your lunch should also be balanced and nutrient dense and avoid fast foods which are high in sugar, fats and salt. The four hour difference your breakfast and lunch was designed to help you expend all the energy from your breakfast without having an extra store which would contribute to weight gain.

The last meal of the day is our supper which usually eaten before 6pm i.e. between 5pm and 6pm respectively. This meal takes you through the long night of fasting till the next morning meal. Supper also provides all your body parts including your body organs like heart, liver, etc. with adequate amount energy for their activities while you sleep or go about your night duties. 

This meal time does not apply to every individual because we all have different work schedules and activity level and so for individual who have poor appetite, and cannot much at a seating or have tight work schedules and high activity or energy levels, we supplement their meals with healthy snacks i.e. mid-morning snack @ 10am, mid-afternoon snack @ 3pm and bed-time snack at 8pm.  So that you always reach your energy requirement for the day even if you miss a meal.

Thank you for making time to read this article. I will be sharing more of these healthy eating tips on the EatRight segment of the 3FM Sunrise morning show every weekday at 7:30 am. You can reach me on 0209330918 and also follow my social media pages @Dietitian Nii for more health tips.

