#InsideAccra: Dzifa Makafui takes us on an Exhilarating Adventure at Legon Botanical Gardens


    Welcome to another episode of #InsideAccra. I recently went on a daring adventure to Legon Botanical Gardens in Accra, and it was an incredible experience! 

    The Legon Botanical Garden is located at the Agbogba junction, off the haatso-atomic road.

    From heart-pounding canopy walks to daring high rope courses, this place is a true hidden gem in Accra. Let me share the excitement of exploring the gardens, especially the thrilling high rope course and the jaw-dropping canopy walk.

    Legon Botanical Gardens is like a big playground created by nature. Everywhere you look, there’s greenery – tall trees, colorful flowers, and all kinds of plants. It’s the perfect place to escape from the noise of the city and just enjoy the calm and beauty of nature. With ticket prices that won’t break the bank, I found myself surrounded by the serene beauty of creeks and ponds, making this a nature lover’s paradise.

    As you meander through this lush garden, you’ll notice that some of the towering trees have signposts displaying their botanical names, providing an educational touch to your visit.

     And for all the bird enthusiasts out there, the Legon Botanical Garden is a fantastic spot to indulge in some bird-watching. Just remember to bring along your trusty binoculars to get a closer look at the feathered residents of this lush paradise.

    Now, here’s where the real fun begins – the high rope course! Imagine walking on elevated platforms, swinging from ropes, and facing exciting challenges high up in the air. It’s like being in a jungle gym for grown-ups, and let me tell you, the adrenaline rush is absolutely worth it! You can peep down and observe the mangroves in the heart of the pond, home to several magnificent eaglets. Suspended high above the ground, the canopy walkway provided panoramic views of the garden. But, trust me, I was clinging onto those ropes for dear life! The thrill of crossing those swinging bridges was something I’ll never forget.

    If you think the canopy walk was cool, wait until you hear about the high rope course. I was harnessed up, ready to take on this daring challenge, and even got some trusty gloves for an additional 10 cedis. I would advise you to use gloves. 

    It’s not for the faint of heart. Picture this: balancing on ropes, climbing tricky obstacles, and even making daring leaps.

    What’s great about Legon Botanical Gardens is that it’s not just for thrill-seekers. Families were having picnics on the grass, and kids were running around, playing games. There’s something for everyone, whether you’re an adventure lover or just want to relax and enjoy the fresh air.

    While I was having my share of fun, I also noticed that the garden attracts tourists from around the world. It was heartwarming to see people from different countries enjoying the natural beauty and thrilling adventures that Ghana has to offer.

    So, there you have it, my thrilling day at the Legon Botanical Garden. If you’re looking for an adventure-packed day out in Accra, this is the place to be. I had an absolute blast and would recommend it to anyone for a heart-pounding experience. From canopy walks to high rope courses and picnics under the shade of beautiful trees, this garden has it all. Join me next time on Inside Accra as we explore more hidden gems in Accra, one day at a time.